Density Altitude Calculator

This calculator is designed to give a value for a calculated density altitude, based on data entered. It determines and indicates how the air density is affected by the temperature and water content of the air. On a hot day, or at high altitude, or on a moist day, the air is less dense. A reduction in air density reduces the engine horsepower. Density altitude is defined as the pressure altitude corrected for the effects of temperature and humidity. Density altitude affects engine horsepower of a normally aspirated engine. A reduction in air density reduces the amount of oxygen available for combustion and therefore reduces the engine horsepower and torque. The term station is the designation for the vertical point that you take your measurements; vertical meaning above (or below) sea level. The absolute air pressure is the calculated air pressure, but not corrected for altitude.

Meteorology Calculator
Density Altitude Required Data Entry
TemperatureFahrenheit Celsius Kelvin
DewpointFahrenheit Celsius Kelvin
Station Pressure in of mercury mm of mercury millibars (hPA)

Calculated Results
Density Altitude Calculation = ft
Density Altitude Calculation = m