October 22, 2004 HOME

Before getting to the task of setting up for painting, I decided I needed to test all the installed components of the strobe system.  Since I didn't have all the parts together and assembled, I ran test wires from part to part and finally up to the strobe head I would be testing.  I test all the strobe heads by just switching them out.

Here is a pic of the strobe just lighting up.

Here it is about half lit.

And here is the peak of the burst.  So, you didn't need to see all that, but I was impressed that I could catch the images, so I put them out here...

I bought 2 20" attic exhaust fans to push air into the paint booth I am setting up.  These are 1650 CFM fans, but I'm running the air through filters and probably won't get more than 1200 CFM out of the 2 combined. 

Bill added regular electrical plugs to the flex conduit of each fan since they come with wires dangling for permanent installation.







Two 20" holes in a piece of plywood and the fans are screwed in place.

By mounting the plywood on some 2x4 rails, the fans (here plugged in and being tested -- cool!) stand upright.

Adding another piece of plywood at the bottom in front of the fans, begins to form a box.  The good quality air conditioning filters are just taped in place with that old standby.

Ah, just another angle to make sure you know what it really looks like :)

The whole thing is finalized with a piece of cardboard on top.  Why cardboard.  Well, I was too lazy to cut another piece of plywood and cardboard is easy to cut out along with the filters when new filters are needed, if ever.

The final test of the fans.  There seems to be enough filter area to reduce the airflow no more than about 40%.  That's better than expected.

The fans will drive air into the paint booth through the filters.  It would be better to use the fans to exhaust, but I don't want the volatile paint fumes passing over the fan motors and I didn't want to mess with a complicated belt drive system or pay the cost of explosion-proof fan motors.  This will do.


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